Alone Again Or AndMoreAgain

‘Where would you be if it were not for me’, she said with scorn­

He thought deeply

& lost himself

among the Matto Grosso indians & Mayan temples.

She repeated her question­

spat out with venom, more like a command or a demand.

This time he had to shake himself free, from the Billy Liarland of the imagination­

lost in the Himalayan foothills in a rickety wooden bus.

‘Yes dear’, he replied, from around the corner of the globe ­’I owe it all to you’.

Once again he floated off­

gracing galxies with his silent footsteps­

one has to learn to walk Apache , without sound or breath.

Her rising threats stir him once again­

‘Your dinner is cold’, she cries from somewhere far off in his imagination….

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